Once all steroids are stopped, the natural testosterone production starts again by itself. However, it will take some time before the level returns to normal. For this reason, most men are advised to follow a post-cycle therapy (PCT) plan after taking anabolic steroids. The PCT plan stimulates natural production and allows levels to rise faster otherwise. Not only will this not bring the level back to normal, but there is no PCT plan on Earth that can do that. However, this ensures that you have enough testosterone for your body to function properly while its levels rise naturally.
What is PCT? (Post-cycle therapy)

Post-cycle therapy (PCT) or a set of PCT measures aimed at rapidly restoring endogenous (self-) testosterone production after ingestion of anabolic steroids (AS) to minimize the phenomenon of relapse – after loss of muscle mass and strength. . AS and other adverse effects of anabolic steroids.
The exit process is inevitable, and whether it will be more or less up to you depends on you and your actions after the course – which means you will need to complete a PCT.
Properly performed PCT minimizes relapse and helps maintain much of the muscle mass gained during the cycle.
But if you do something wrong, or worse, if you do nothing, the only thing sustanon you win is that you lose, in most cases, or completely.
No matter how easy or weak the course is, PCT should always be completed.
When to start PCT (periods of complete steroid elimination)
You can only start post-cycle treatment if the effect of the steroid on your body stops!
Usually after three and a half years of active ingredient, the steroid stops completely in the body. (Multiply the half-life by 3)
The duration of action of oral steroids does not exceed 48 hours. That is, PCT after taking oral steroids should be started two days after taking the last tablet.
PCT after stanozolol treatment

It is recommended that the drug be used to restore testosterone production in PCT after a 200-tablet course of Stanozolol. Prolonged use of anabolic steroids leads to a decrease in the level of free testosterone, which is why athletes use post-course therapy for rapid recovery.
Clomid should be taken with 1 tablet one week after the end of treatment. weekday. It is recommended to use it after lunch. Clomid -20 days is very effective in most cases. If tests show that testosterone has not yet recovered, it is advisable to use the drug for a longer period of time.
3 days 150 mg / 12 days 100 mg / 15 days 50 mg / 15 days 25 mg – very difficult course.
15d100mg / 15d50mg / 15d25mg – heavy drain.
30d50mg / 15d25mg – medium course.
15d50mg / 15d25mg / 15d25mg (once every other day) – easy treatment.
15d50mg / 15d25mg – oxandrolone, methandrostenolone, methenolone, stanozolol, oral turbine.